Thursday, January 31, 2013


Thank you for helping me hit my 10,000th Page View.
That was my goal for the year ending 2/14/2013.
My goal now moves to 10,000 by 12/31/2013.
Or another way to look at it is 10,000 views in
10 months, versus 12 months last year.
Save the Link and Check it out daily.
Always quick, and always good stuff.
Thank you again for visiting!

Are you willing to change?

If you knew that changing your attitude would make things better, would you?
My only question is what should I change?

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Chance of Success

What a great visual!
What goes in your ears comes out your mouth!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Attitude and a Job Interview

85% Attitude is the difference.
Note the last line, "The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitude."

Friday, January 25, 2013

Any fact facing us is not as important as our attitude toward it, for that determines our success or failure. The way you think about a fact may defeat you before you ever do anything about it. You are overcome by the fact because you think you are.
Norman Vincent Peale

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Success or Failure

Success or failure depends more upon attitude than upon capacity successful men act as though they have accomplished or are enjoying something. Soon it becomes a reality. Act, look, feel successful, conduct yourself accordingly, and you will be amazed at the positive results.
William James

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

A Grateful Attitude

Choosing to be positive and having a grateful attitude is going to determine how you're going to live your life.
Joel Osteen

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

What is Perfection

Just think about it, what is a life of perfection to you?
Let's just look at the weather for example.
What would it be like to wake up every day and know that it would be Sunny and 75 EVERY SINGLE DAY.
It's funny a few years ago while working in Southern California and visiting, one of the guys made a statement, "I'm so tired of 75 and Sunny - I'm ready to move because it is always like this". He said he was just tired of it. Of course I was amazed since I just spent a week in Fargo ND with negative temperatures.
On the other side of the coin while spending time in Joplin MO after a little snow was surprised to hear all the conversation about how the snow was so unwanted.  Dealership employees were discussing all the negatives and the Dealer thought it was funny.  So I ask what he was thinking?  He said he thought it was funny that people are spending thousands of dollars to go to snow and they have it and don't want it.
I believe that most people would get tired of perfection.  It's a moving target.  So how do we find comfort?  How do we obtain long term happiness?
It starts with your "Attitude" and how you respond to what happens to you.  Every day you will have many opportunities to right your attitude.  You just need to win most of those mental battles.  You must accept that you don't control everything, and move forward.
Make it a great day, it's your choice.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Friday, January 18, 2013

Get a Check Up from the Neck Up - Zig

This should be a quiz!
Let's talk candidly/blunt you and I. 
How is your attitude?
What is getting in your way of having a great day.  You put a few of those together and you could have a great week.  Many a salesperson have made a month out of a week and vice versa.

I have always found it so amazing to see some Cancer or Terminal Patients and the attitudes that they maintain.  WOW, they look at you with a beaming smile, (your still anxious about the guy that cut you off when you were driving to the hospital for a visit).  How can we get a good attitude when we have the world at our feet and yet these patients will calm us down.  What do they understand that we don't?  They tell us everything will be alright and we are tangled up with fear and remorse.
They understand that they do not control everything-we still in the back of our mind think we can.  The sooner in life you understand that you can only control your Attitude, the sooner you can have the opportunity to find a comfort zone, happiness.  We all know that money buys many things but not Happiness.  When I was young I have never wished to be rich. I had read in the paper many times of the rich and famous people that had taken their own life, or either drunk or drugged themselves half crazy.

So when you get into a pity party you best look in the mirror and be thankful that you are there. 

Understand you don't control the universe, but you do control your own Attitude.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Challenge Yourself

We continue to discuss your "Attitude".  Let's just think about you.  Since the first of the month we have explored many ways we can affect how you handle your thoughts.  We talked about lists, plans and goals.
But the bottom line today is are you challenging your self?

Now if you have some written goals, let's hope it is not the same thing you wrote last year, or the year before that you did not obtain because you would not do something different.

If your challenging yourself than your going to do something different.  A challenge will take you out of your comfort zone.  You should feel a little anxiousness when you first beging doing this different thing.

I would love to challenge you to do several things first do make some goals, write them down, and create a realistic path to get there.

Think about it, if you want to be a doctor, you go to school. A pilot takes classes, flight time, and tests.  Teachers, realators we could go on and on.

Here is the thing that I challenge you to do at your first opportunity "go play in the rain".  Act like a kid without a care for a few minutes.  Maybe that means go Roller Skating, or stopping by the Malt Shop, or even watching cartoons.
Do something really fun!

Have a great Attitude today!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Just Do It

Sometimes in life we face tasks that we just don't like, and we spend a lot of time trying to work around it.  Think about some of the tasks that you have at work.  Let's take filing, what a painfull task.  When we do file it seems endless.  However let's just think about it for a minute.
Most people don't file daily weather your talking about paper filing or electronic filing.  We let it build until we have a stack (this could take days, weeks or more).  We procrastinate because we really don't want to do it.  Then we look at the stack and think "WOW" this is going to take me an hour or more to file, err.

How different would it look if we took a few minutes each day and just did it!  It's a novel idea, and it would keep you from having to make that hour later on when you may not have the time.

OK, we all don't file but we all get phone calls.  How many people this day and age let our messages go to voice mail.  Personally I hate speaking to a recorder, but it is reality.  Sounds like not such a big deal, I'll just listen to the voice mail, and call that person back..  Here is the deal, you just multiplied the time it takes to handle that call, and if your like me, I love to save time.  Just a reminder how this happens more times than not.

I get an incoming call and let it go to voice mail.  So I hear the "ding" I have a voice mail. So from here on out it is wasted time.  So first I have to dial and retrieve the call, listen to the "ramblings and details", or "just call me when you get a minute".  Next I hit redial and the phone rings once, twice and on the third ring it goes to voice mail...  So we are still not done.  Do  your self a favor and Just do it, answer the phone.

Guess what, with the extra time you get each day you can continue to read my blog!

Have a great day!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

What do you expect?

Do you set expectations on a daily basis?
I mean, do you have a check list for today, short term plan, or goals?
If you do, are they written?

Let's start over, do you have expectations for the people around you?  I am sure they are not written, but you know what I am talking about.  If you don't believe me, why else would we get excited, or anxious when things don't go exactly the way we thought they should?

It is because we had expectations.  In a way our expectations are the goals we have set for other people and how they should act around us.  That does not sound like it makes much sense.  After all we can only control our actions and Attitude.  Here is the one of the keys to this conversation: "we can only be let down by our own expectations".   Don't expect people to act and do what you want, even in the business world it just does not happen.  We like our friends because they act like us, and we cut them slack when they don't.  Think about it, your driving down the road and some jerk cuts you off..   Man, your really upset, so you speed up just to show them that you can get there faster and you want to display your anger.  You speed to get right next to the vehicle and reolize that it is someone you know.  What do you tell yourself, well next time I see them I'm going ask them where they got their driver's license.  But your anger, anxiousness dissapates.  If you don't know them, you shake your fist, or display your anger and the rest of the way to your destination is filled with anxiousness.

The next key is "does anyone else know what your expectations are"?  Sometimes we get upset because things did not work out the way we wanted, but we never expressed our ideas to the others involved.  Most of the time what they did does not affect you, cost you time or money and we still get upset.

Here is what my point of the day is: when you get upset or anxious, remember it is your own expectations.  Can you do anything about it?  No, then move on.  Don't let it mess your day up. 

*Remember that you make the choice to have a good day, don't let anyone take that away.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Empathy-Servants Heart

We discussed empathy a few weeks ago-it's giving. 
Simply giving, giving and more giving.

What I am going to do next is answer the question,
how do you give, give and give.

You do it with a Servants Heart.

It is a state of mind.

If you take things personally, it may be difficult.
But think about it this way, if your not wired like that, and you think that everyone is just a taker, you have just increased the resistance substantially.
What does giving look like, no it is not give up the house, or all your profit. Giving looks like empathy. Understanding the customer, and giving at the right time.

When you go shop in a store, or a dealership we are all conditioned to say "hey, I'm just looking".
Here is where the giving begins.
Hey, I understand, let me help get you the information your looking for (and as a matter of a fact I'll give you so much that you won't have to shop any more).  Kill em with kindness.  If you give them everything they were shopping for, then they could become buyers,  not shoppers.

If you think just because you give them a price or too much information you have lost a deal, tell me about the 70-80% of the customers that don't get a chance to buy because we never ask.

It cost me nothing to do the right thing, give the customer what they are looking for and they may surprise you and become your buyer.

Do it with a servants heart, and a smile on your face.  It will be hard to not have a good attitude when you work like that.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Quick Review of the Week

Two weeks ago we talked about your goals, and your New Years Resolutions.

Have you written your goals down?  You on track?

Last week we talked about Television and dealing with the cards we were delt.  We discussed looking at who you share your time with and and exercise in reading articles.

This week we read Chuck Sindoll's article on attitude.

The thread to each of these articles is Attitude. 

"The bottom line is your in charge of your Attitude".
If you have not read each of these posts, now would be a great time to spend a few minutes.  Be a little selfish, it is about you

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Attitude-Its the little things

On a typical morning, you get up shower, grab a bite to eat and head out the door. 
But what happens to you when you wake up 15 minutes late.
What is your first thought, "oh, it's going to be a DAY like that".  So you jump out of bed, take a quick shower, stubb your toe, missed a spot when you were shaving, and nicked your self with the safety razor.  You grab your jacket and head to the car only to find out you have no gas.  So you stop for gas, and seem to hit every red light!  Dude, I'm worn out just thinking about it.  So you were late to your first appointment, your supervisor mentions you were late and you just feel so behind.

Sometimes you just need to stop for 2 minutes and reset your mind.  Take a deep breath and understand that everyone is late once in a while (this is not for the person that is late every day).
Truth is you make a quick call to your supervisor and let them know, and just reset your mind.  Don't panic that your a few minutes behind.

Your already late, acting out of control will not get you back on track, as a matter of fact what your mind should be saying to you is "relax" it is going to be a good day".

"You control your attitude".

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Chuck Swindoll-Attitude

I believe this to be true, according to Chuck,

     "We cannot change our past.  We cannot change the fact people act a certain way.  We cannot change the inevitable.  The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude".
     "The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life.  Attitude, to me is more important than facts.  It is more important than the past, the education, the money, than circumstances, than appearance, giftedness or skill.  It will make or break a company, a church, a home". 
     "The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day.  We cannot change our past, we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way.  We cannot change the inevitable.  The only thing we can do is pay on the one string we have, and that is our attitude".
     I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it.  And so it is with you, we are in charge of our attitude".

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Positive Attitude Exercise

Great day to you!

Here is a quick exercise for you today.  Go to the newspaper, or your favorite browser and print 2 copies of this article (about your business).  Do me a favor and forget about the title once you have picked the article and printed it out.

Now take the first copy and read the article and look for every positive sentence and highlight the entire sentence.  Set that copy to the side.

Take the second article and now look for all the negative sentences and highlight them.

This is not scientific, but generally if you will take the copies and set them side by side you will be amazed at what you get if you just read the highlighted sentences.

Try it, remember that junk in your mind is junk out your mouth.  Could your mindset affect how you read an article?

Monday, January 7, 2013

Friends you chose and PMA

How do you keep a Positive Mental Attitude with all the stuff that we take in daily?
If your in Sales it may be harder than turning off the television.
Who do you spend your time with?  What is their attitudes like?  Do they grumble about how bad the weather is, the economy, or the politics of the day?
But you tell your self that "I can hang out with these guys and I will not let their attitude change mime"!  Boy, that is a large task...  Your asking a lot of your self....
You can filter a great deal of information out of the conversation, but it is sneaky.  So you hang with a couple of these guys that are selling below their potential.  And they tell you that customers just are not buying today (junk in), so you catch your next opportunity and they tell you they are just looking.  You take one swing at moving forward, and they shut you down again and you tell yourself (my buddy is right, they just are not buying today (junk out).
Hey, I have worked with a bunch of great guys over the years, had a drink or two, and shared a laugh and a ball game.  But I would kick them out of my office the very next day if they came in telling me any negative junk.
Tip of the day: Choose your friends wisley.  I want to hang out with the guy that is selling more than me!  Not two car Sam that can not get out of his way.
Remember that what goes in your ears comes out of your mouth.

Friday, January 4, 2013

How do I Keep Positive Daily

Yesterday we talked about the first thing you hear in the morning, and the last thing you see at night.
We talked about staying away from the news each night. And how negitive thoughts turn into negative attitude. That may mean keeping away from ESPN with all the troubles our role model atheletes seem to find.
I travel weekly around the country, so I watch the Weather Channel.  That's it for news for me. What this also does is set up my week.  Remember that "you can only be let down by your own expectations".  If I know there is a big storm out East or West Coast, then I expect delays and plan my travels to accept that, make a few calls to make sure the right people know.  But since I know it is going to be bad why would it affect my attitude? 
Any Dave Ramsey fans out there? He is a great motivator for weath building.  He says "the holidays" are not an emergency.  We know it's coming, so why do we not allow for the extra spending?  It is the same with weather.  It's winter, it's going to snow somehwere, and flights are going to be delayed, deal with it with a positive attitude.
"So my tip for today is to deal with the cards that are delt you".  Understand a positive attitude will not change the weather, or the day of the month.  But how you approach it determines if it will be a good day or bad.  "Your attitude-Your choice"!
Have a great day!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Positive Mental Attitude

We talk a lot about PMA (Positive Mental Attitude) in sales.  But look past your work, and think of your life as a whole. 
What if you woke up to believe each morning was going to be a good to great day.
Do you believe you control that thought?

We know not all days in life are perfect.  As a matter of fact we can believe that all the days are sucking the life out of you.

I choose a different road, and some of my friends have ask my wife, "DOES HE REALLY ACT LIKE THIS ALL THE TIME"?

I look at every day as an opportunity to do some thing better than I have ever done before.  I start the night before by not watching the news.  We already know what we are going to see "NEGATIVE, NEGATIVE, NEGATIVE".  Heck of a thing to sleep on.
Then I am going to wake up and turn on the news for a little catch up of what happened after 10PM-"NEGATIVE, NEGATIVE, NEGATIVE".  Boy am I pumped to head to work.  We fell off the fiscal cliff, 20 people were murdered, and the stock market dropped 150 points..

Your first step to being positive is to quit taking so much Negitive in to your mind.  Remember that what goes in your mind, comes out of your mouth...

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Did you make a resolution?

It is January 2nd, are you still on track for your goals you set for 2013?
I would guess that there are some that have fallen off already-and if you did get back on track.
There is a lot of year left, but if you feel you have already failed than your missing the boat so to say.

Think about it like this, let's take my goal for health.  I want to ride an average of 20 miles a day.  Hey I am going to miss some days this year.  But if on average I can ride 1 hour (about 16 miles) throught the winter (cold months) then by summer it will be a piece of  cake to ride twice that, and enjoy it!

So you want to work out every day, you still need to rest your body.  If you started by resting yesterday, go for it today.  Pace your self, and keep the right state of mind.

What if you miss one day a week, really not a big thing.  Just keep that positive attitude and you will be much better off than last year!