Tuesday, January 15, 2013

What do you expect?

Do you set expectations on a daily basis?
I mean, do you have a check list for today, short term plan, or goals?
If you do, are they written?

Let's start over, do you have expectations for the people around you?  I am sure they are not written, but you know what I am talking about.  If you don't believe me, why else would we get excited, or anxious when things don't go exactly the way we thought they should?

It is because we had expectations.  In a way our expectations are the goals we have set for other people and how they should act around us.  That does not sound like it makes much sense.  After all we can only control our actions and Attitude.  Here is the one of the keys to this conversation: "we can only be let down by our own expectations".   Don't expect people to act and do what you want, even in the business world it just does not happen.  We like our friends because they act like us, and we cut them slack when they don't.  Think about it, your driving down the road and some jerk cuts you off..   Man, your really upset, so you speed up just to show them that you can get there faster and you want to display your anger.  You speed to get right next to the vehicle and reolize that it is someone you know.  What do you tell yourself, well next time I see them I'm going ask them where they got their driver's license.  But your anger, anxiousness dissapates.  If you don't know them, you shake your fist, or display your anger and the rest of the way to your destination is filled with anxiousness.

The next key is "does anyone else know what your expectations are"?  Sometimes we get upset because things did not work out the way we wanted, but we never expressed our ideas to the others involved.  Most of the time what they did does not affect you, cost you time or money and we still get upset.

Here is what my point of the day is: when you get upset or anxious, remember it is your own expectations.  Can you do anything about it?  No, then move on.  Don't let it mess your day up. 

*Remember that you make the choice to have a good day, don't let anyone take that away.

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