Monday, September 30, 2013

What is your personality like?

Just a quick thought starter for this week.
Remember when communicating with someone that it is not only the words  you say,
but how you say them!
Your tone is louder than your words.
Do you sound put off by people around you?
Have the right attitude today!
Happy Monday!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Happy Sunday!
Have faith and believe!
I have to work on this every day.
How about you?
Have a great week!
I hope you find what your looking for...

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Did you tell me I can't?

We all love the stories of the Champions.
They say things like "they all told me that this day would never come".
Or "they told me I was too small", or well you get the point, someone said that they could not do it, what ever it was!
That could be used to start a fire,
the fire of passion.
That is what makes such great stories.
One of the best ever is the MJ, Michael Jordan story getting cut from his high school team only to become the best ever. That is my opinion.
Do you get fired up when someone tells you that you just don't have it?
What does that do to your attitude.
Does it make you want it even more...
MJ did not wake up to be the awesome athlete that he became.  They say it was his work ethic.
He wanted it more than he was willing to give up, his attitude was to win!
What is your attitude?
If I'm on the lot, and you shake my hand, you want a car, I got a car... chances are we will make a deal!
Have a winning attitude everyday!
Without fail.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Nothing is out of reach

The biggest sales pitch you ever make
 is to yourself!
You must believe!
It is your choice!
I believe!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Ten foot rule..

Do you want to change someones life?
You can start one smile at a time.
Each day you pass by people that are struggling and you may not know it.
Use the ten foot rule.
If you pass with in 10 feet of someone, smile and acknowledge them.
I promise besides helping someone else, you will get it back two fold.
Have the right attitude, and a great day today!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

It is not always obvious...

Sometimes the sign is not right in front of you.
Sometimes you have to look for the signs.
Think positive thoughts, and positive things will happen.
Look for positive signs...
It is an attitude...
It will affect your entire life.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Get er done...

Have you ever had a meeting where you feel like your walking in mud.
You are two hours into the meeting, lots of great ideas, but no one will make a commitment. Who is to blame?
It is frustrating to get excited about moving the needle only to listen to something resembling a political exchange.  Oh, that is a great idea, then we change subjects.
Sometimes you just have to make something happen, just do it!
Keep the right attitude, and keep moving.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Invest in yourself..

Oh, it is Monday again!
Just think, another opportunity to move forward in your life.
How easy is it to invest in yourself?
Some people believe it is the Books you read and the people you meet that defines you.
What do you think?
When is the last time you invested 15 minutes in an article that could give you valuable insight into your current position at work or home?
You could invest in yourself when considering a project on your house.
Go pick up a free class at your local Home Depot on installing tile.
Take an adult learning class on a computer program that you could utilize.
Go to a mixer and meet new people!
The ideas are limitless, just decide and do it.
When making decisions always think of the long term value for you.
Remember to make wise choices.
And have a great attitude today!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Great Advice


If a dog was the teacher you would learn stuff like:

When loved ones come home, always run to greet them.

Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride.

Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure ecstasy.

When it's in your best interest, practice obedience.

Let others know when they've invaded your territory.

Take naps.

Stretch before rising.

Run, romp, and play daily.

Thrive on attention and let people touch you.

Avoid biting when a simple growl will do.

On warm days, stop to lie on your back in the grass.

On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree.

When you're happy, dance around and wag your entire body.

No matter how often you're scolded, don't buy into the guilt thing and pout .. run right back and make friends.

Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.

Eat with gusto and enthusiasm. Stop when you have had enough.

Be loyal. Never pretend to be something you're not.

If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.

When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by and nuzzle them gently.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

What would your story look like?

I often ask the attendees to consider the thought of having a video on top of their head. And ask them "would you do anything different if you had a video attached to the top of your head"?  "Would you use different words, flirt, look at different things on the Internet if you knew that your video would be viewed by your family, friends and co-workers"? 
What if you get to tevo your life and it does flash before your eyes?
What will you see?
Regrets for something undone?
Sorrows for an error of judgement?
It will be something emotionally charged.
Remember each day is a gift.
Make good decisions today, every one counts!
Have a great attitude and a great week!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Just believe

Have you ever wondered what is possible?
Really, how do people become so successful,
and how do I get some of that?
How do some people move past the everyday and into the life that they want?
It starts in your head!
If you read pick up The Millionaire Mind.
There is a place in the book that tells you to imagine that you already had the Million Dollars, what would you do with it? The book goes on to tell you to make a list of the things you would do with the money.
What would you do?
To my amazement most of what I wanted could be accomplished with a little planning on my part. What would your list look like?
Don't question weather you can or not. Believe you can, and start making changes today!
Just because we can't stroke a check right now does not mean we do not have the ability to help others. Oh, funny how that works out. The people with the Millionaire minds always want to help others get there. Most of my gifts were giving to others.
Zig says "if you help enough people get what they want, you will get what you want"
Thanks Zig for giving me the right attitude today!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Who ever thought Charlie Brown would be so right!

I meet many people that get caught up in the past. They paralyze themselves in something that has already happened and can't seem to move. It is true that "100% of present behavior is based on past experience".
Keeping that in mind, it is not that we need to  continually relive our past.
Your subconscious does that for you.
Every decision you make is based on information you have in your head.
This is where you get that "gut instinct" that tells you not to do something.
Where you should know better. We have all had those thoughts.
Your challenge today is to look for the positive in everything today! Count on your mind to guide you and your direction.
Have a great attitude today!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

No body said it was going to be easy

I don't know your beliefs, or who you believe in. My belief is as written above. This is a common saying in my home.
I must admit that sometimes I look at my aging puppies, or my parents and feel a tad bit sad seeing them age way too fast for me.
But most days I think of the gift, and think how lucky I really am to have all the love in my life.
Your attitude is not automatic, you must put some effort into a positive attitude.
You must prime the pump if you want results.
Read something positive each day to start, and finish your day.
Something as simple as a blog, like this!
Napoleon Hill said it years ago.
Have a great attitude today!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

What goes in your mind expands..

It is very simple, and will always be that way.
What you think about will come about!
What goes in your mind expands!
If you think you can, you can!
By now you should start to understand the laws of nature. In some circles it is called the "Secret". It is the law of attraction.
It happens in all parts of your life. Some people say that I am just a lucky person. I believe it has to do with my mind set. I am a positive thinker, and generally positive things happen to me. That is why I believe in positive thoughts.
So what do I do with the negative, deal with it quickly and move on. We all have things happen that we wish would not. Acknowledge and learn from the event and move on.
Do it with the right attitude!
Have a great day, and a great attitude.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Winners never quit..

As a fact winners fail many more times
than people remember.
Each training class that I hold we read affirmations.  One of these affirmations says "we will never be judged by our failures"
"we will only be measured by our success"
"and our success is directly related to the number of times I fail and keep going"
So my challenge to you is to keep your attitude right and keep going!
Have a great week!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

We all have a different perception!

Sometimes I get frustrated because people will say "I'm going to do this task".
Only later to find out that they did not even try.
Let me say this, if I tell you that I'm going to do something, mark it as complete.
I guess it is our ego, we expect everyone to act just like us, if they did it would be much better.
But it is about integrity!
I always talk about choices!
Does integrity fall into a choice?
Your choices still come from your attitude.
It all ties in together.
Make wise choices, do what you say
and build your integrity.
Have a great attitude and a great week ahead.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Do you exercise?

Oh, it is the weekend!
Many people will participate in a 5K walk/run, or a triathalon today.
There are people that are training for upcoming Marathons this fall.
And many, many more at the gym, lake or in their own home gym exercising their body.
Sometimes we forget that our brain is a muscle.
And that we should take time to exercise that muscle too.
There are those people that work cross word puzzles, and websites that help.
What do you do?
Read a book, work on a project on the side.
It is a great day to invest in your mental wellness and do something that you must think about and challenge your mind.
Number one reason why, is so that you can have a great attitude for a long time!
What are you going to do today?
Have a great attitude and a great weekend..

Friday, September 13, 2013

3 Opportunities a day...

How easy is it to get excited about Friday?
In the Auto Industry it is easy.
We all know that the weekend is here.
A lot of times we have a Sales Meeting just to get everyone on the same page.
We know that we will have plenty of opportunities to make deals.
Is that what makes it special?
Remember that if you had 3 appointments a day that every day would be like a weekend.
What kind of month would you have if you set yourself up with 3 daily appointments?
I would bet you could get excited
 about getting to work.
How would your attitude be?
I would bet you would be excited.
How confident would you be?
Could you act as if?
Have a great attitude today!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Real Expectations

How good are you at setting expectations?
How much stress to you encounter when something does not happen as you desire?
When you take your car to get the oil changed are you more upset with the time they say it takes or the time it actually takes?
I talk to Service Advisors and constantly hear how much stress they have because the vehicle takes longer than promised to complete.
That is funny, he is the one that set the expectations with the customer.
Always keep this in mind set real expectations.
Customers' first priority is to not bring the vehicle back to complete the repair.
Set good expectations, it will change the outcome.  Customer satisfaction will improve and you will have a better day.
Over time it will help you maintain that
Great Attitude!

Monday, September 9, 2013

It's Monday again!

If you know much about me, this is what my Monday normally looks like.
My boarder collie Jake will help me unpack.
As I place my socks in the bag he will happily take them out and place them next to the bag.
I think it is his way of saying "Please don't go".
Boy that makes the drive away from the house more difficult than it already was. 
Think about it, unconditional love.
He is upset that I leave each week, but he is the first to greet me when I get home.
My older puppy Blanca has lost her hearing but she senses me come in the house and cries for me to visit with her as soon as I arrive.
I wish I had that attitude with every one that I love every time with out fail.
Just think about having the attitude of a Dog.
What a compliment!
Have the Attitude of a Dog today!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Start your day right..

What do you tell yourself when you get up
What is your first thought?
What you think about expands, so think positive thoughts to start your day.
Turn off the news and turn on your favorite music and turn it up!
Once you get to the car, find the right station to keep up your mo-jo..
Tell yourself it is going to be a great day!
Your attitude will take care of most of the rest!
Karma, positive energy will be in the air..
Have some fun!
Have a great attitude today!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Excellence is a habit...

Sometimes extra words are not needed.
Have a great attitude today!
Be Excellent.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Never give up...

If I had a theme for my life this would be it!
I'll bet he makes it up the curb.
He looks determined.
He has a vision.
And most importantly, he believes!
How strong is your mind?
Your mind controls your muscles.
Not just he big one's you see.
It controls the small movements
 that you don't control.
Your mind can will some things to happen.
But first you must believe!
Have the right attitude today and believe!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Make a strangers day...

Have you ever known someone that was a great joy to be around, only to find out later they were struggling on the inside.
The scary truth is we do not know what
another person is thinking.
Life is full of struggles.
When you can share a smile or a
kind word, just do it!
It costs you nothing to be kind, smile and acknowledge a stranger.
You could make their day, or pull them away from negative thoughts.
I have lost friends that gave up their lives instead of sharing with people that loved them.
Use the 10' rule to those around you.
That just means you say "hello" as you pass by.
Smile, share a good attitude.
Make a strangers day!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

I like this attitude

Things happen around us every day!
The guys in the white hats get shot
every once in a while.
Did you learn anything when
it did not work out?
When I sold cars after every customer that left and did not buy, I ask myself what I could have done different to make it work.
In every event we have a chance
to win or learn.
Do you take advantage of the education?
It takes the right attiude.
There were times that I wanted to blame other things when a deal did not come together.
The truth is I needed to look in the mirror.
Change your attitude towards failure.
It is opportunity knocking on the door.
Open up, and let it in!
Attitude is a choice.
Do we take advantage of 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Invite the right people...

This is a reminder!
You control who is IN your life.
Just like you control who comes
into your house.
Be picky...
If there is someone taking your happiness
kick them out of your life...
Sometimes we forget that we are crowd control for the door to our lives.
I can promise you that if someone causes
me pain I will find a way to
NOT give them my time.
You should find yourself attracted to positive people that want to share with you.
If your not attracting these valuable people into your life you should check your attitude.
Are you the negative person that
everyone tries to avoids?
Remember that attitude is the key.
Don't you find it amazing that when we have a bad relationship that we struggle to move forward at times.
Our friends remind us that what the other party in the past relationship was attracted to our strength, and independence.
When we pine for a lost relationship, we are neither strong nor independent.
Have the right attitude today!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Great message of vision.

Twenty-five years ago, I held my grandmother's hand as she passed away. Two and half weeks ago, it was my mother's hand that I held as she left our world.
I was there for the last days of life with both my mother and grandmother, and in our time together, they spoke of things with a sadness and urgency that they never had before.
There’s an old photo I have of my mother, which I’ve always loved. In it, she’s a young, sharply dressed working woman in South America, and you can feel the determination in her stride. I showed her this photo just a few weeks ago, and you could've heard the pride in my voice as I asked if she remembered where she was going on the day it was taken.
"I have always hated that picture," she said, which startled me. "I was always in a hurry. Hurrying. Always. For what?" She took a deep breath, and gently said it one more time, "Always in a hurry ...."
What left me astonished and teary-eyed was not the surprise of her hating the picture, but that these words wereexactly the ones my grandmother had spoken to me on the morning of her own passing. I had been sitting vigil at her bedside and she was growing weaker with each day in the hospital. Stroking her hand, I spoke softly to her, "Abuela. Abuela, do you hear me? Remember when you would take us to the grocery store across the street from our house at the start of every summer, and you began our first day of vacation with a popsicle?"

Win the day...

Why would you want to follow someone
when you could be leading someone?
Think of all the great explorers,
they wanted to be first!
What about you, do you want to be first?
Do you want to lead, or are you fine to follow?
I myself am more of a get
out in front kinda guy. 
Here is the scary part,
if you fail everyone sees.
If your ego is too big to fail,
you are not a leader.
I have a huge ego, and I love to win.
But I take risks.
I don't want to be the echo.
Start your day with the right attitude!
Win the day!

Sunday, September 1, 2013


Loyalty, we could be talking
about work or relationships.
Many things in life have shelf lives.
When the time has passed it is
 time to move on.
How do you know?
You could have trouble with your attitude.
Some signs may be low self-esteem.
Maybe the desire to not be there.
Change in your habits.
Or maybe you develop apathy.
If life becomes a grind than you should
change something to make it better.
Loyalty is not always rewarded.
So don't stick around because of
perceived obligations.
If it is work they will cut you lose.
If it is a relationship,
someone is going to get hurt.
I believe it is always smart to have
the right attitude.
Make decisions based on that!