Thursday, April 30, 2015

The four stages of life

Thursday are for deep thinking. I believe that everyday the published post could help someone. That is significance.
Here is just a glance at the four stages. The first one is survival, when you are just getting started. You have graduated and have a job. Maybe you don't have quite enought money that you feel like you are making it. Stability is when you are making enough to get by. Success is down the road. There are steps, promotions or advancements that make you feel like you are on track. You are making it pretty good. You have more than you need. But the final stage is not about you. The final stage is what can you do for others. Oh, and the expectations is that they can not do anything for you. That is when you have made it. Significance, when giving is important. Pay if forward, volenteer or just smile a lot. They all work.
Have a great day.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Success is nothing more than few simple disciplines practiced every day

I have made the statement several times that the most successful people do the little things better than everyone else.
Jim Rhon says that it is much more simple. He says success is nothing more than a few simple diciplines practiced every day. Sounds a lot like structure, or process to me. It makes complete sense. I will tell you it is not sexy and may be a bit boring. Are you willing to do the little things?
Remember today is about progress, how will you know unless you are measuring your efforts.
Have a great day.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Every day is a chance to change your life

Since today is about deep thinking. Give this thought a little time. Every decision you make will impact your tomorrows.
We make thousands of decisions every day. Some are minor, some with no thoughts of the outcome tomorrow, next week,  next month or next year. The major ones we give more time to consider all the facts and make the right decision. I believe your decisions are like your credit. You know it does not seem like much to miss a payment here or there. Miss a lot of payments and what does that look like when you pull your credit? Every decision you make will change your tomorrows, so choose well.
Have a great attitude today.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Are planning your work and working your plan?

Let's be clear, if it is Monday morning and you are planning today right now you are behind. Plan your days in advance.
When you wait to plan your day until that day you are losing valuable time that you could be accomplishing far more. Remember the four stages in life? It sounds like you are just surviving, or stable. Successful people know where they are going in advance. They have a vision. Once they get there they may have moved right into being significant. I want you to accomplish all you can, and that takes all of your time. So take the time to plan tomorrow today.
Have a successful day!

Sunday, April 26, 2015

One year ago this week

April 24th marks one year since my
little friend left us. Ms Blanca.
Her spirit is still strong in
the house each night.
She used to wake up early
each morning to go outside
and to get a mid-night snack.
Now when I wake up at 2:30 AM
I just laugh and think she
is right here with us.
Rest well my buddy.
We love you.
Your pop!

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Bumper Sticker

To me Saturdays are for fun.
I saw this bumper sticker that said,
"sorry for following so close in front of you".
This guy must have a sense of humor, lol.
So it is your turn to share with me.
What is the funniest bumper sticker you
have ever seen?
Have a wonderful weekend.
Don't forget do it with the right attitude.
Here is another one for the road.

Friday, April 24, 2015

One day your going to text me

Love this state of mind, one day your going to text me and you will get a reply from my assistant. LOL. I'm not sure if that is what I want, but does it like freedom to you?
This week has flown by once again. Did you get your list completed. Did you start the day with a completed task? Did you move closer to your goals? Keep moving forward.
Have a wonderful weekend
and a great attitude.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

People watchers

Have you ever sat in an airport and just watched people? Do you believe that a persons actions will tell you everything you need to know about them? I read that and to the most part believe that to be true.
I am careful when using the words always and never. Can you tell much about watching people interact with other people?  Some people are more equiped to deal with people, and many are not. Be careful not to judge too harshly, we never know what they may be going through.
I sometimes wonder what a stressed person may be thinking. I wonder if a smile would make a difference. A smile is free, give it a shot.
Most importantly have a great day.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

What goes in your mind

What are you feeding your mind?
I am not going to write a lot today.
The only words you can say are the
words you know. So think of a child.
A child can only repeat what they
have heard. You should never be
surprised at what your children
may say. They learned it from you.
As an adult where do we pick up stuff? Children get it from home.
Adults get it from the 5 closest people 
that you spend your time with.
So if you  do not like something
about your self, then consider
who and where you spend your time.
You spend your time with like
minded people. People you like.
 Look in the mirror, where are you?
Are you who you want to be?
I do hope so.
Have a great attitude today.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015


How do you live your life? Do you react to what happens or do you plan your direction. One way to look at it is to think about photography.
 In the old days not so many years ago we would develop pictures using negatives. If you are reacting to things that happen to you, then you could be using the negatives and developing your life from those pictures. Remember the law of attraction. If you are developing from the negatives what might you be accepting.
Start with something positive.

Monday, April 20, 2015


How much energy do you put into your plan? Do you put so much energy into your days you are worn out. How do you feel about that?
I have a plan. My goal is to get my workout in first thing in the morning. My next goal for the day is to work so intensely hard that when it is time for bed I sleep sound. I understand that there is only one today. I don't get a re-do. When the day is done there is no chance to go back and change my decisions made today without wasting time tomorrow. And if I waste time tomorrow, it takes away from all the good things I can complete for the future. So don't waste your time and half way work through the day. If you get the chance to do something, max it out. You may never get that chance again.
Have a wonderful day,
and keep your great attitude going.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

What is your greatest animal story

I have shared for over 1,000 days
stories of my life and pups.
Share your favorite  story with me.
It could be short, or longer.
It should be a happy story.
Or a story of remembrance.
Here is one short story about my Blanca.
I lost her a year ago the 24th of this month.
One day when I was at work she
was in the yard playing.
It was really quiet, and like with children
that is not always a good thing.
Next thing you know there is a loud clanking
noise. This little character had stuck her head in the tin watering can and was backing up trying desperately to get out. It was one of those funny scary times. You did not want her to get hurt, but it was just funny that she would get into things like that.
Miss my Ms B, she was 18 years old and not a day goes by we are not reminded of her spirit.
Love you girl.
What is your story?

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Fun, what is it to you

Saturday is about having fun.
My weekend will be spent
catching up, and moving forward.
Not everyone finds fun like you.
That being said you must determine
what fun looks like to you.
Is it hanging out with your pups,
hanging out with your spouse
or friends?
It could be educational, or goofy.
It could be a concert, or a picnic.
My challenge to you is to pick
your fun, and make it happen.
Have a great weekend.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Completion and review

This past week I published my first book.
It seemed like such a daunting task.
I thought I would never get done.
It is done. It was strange,
no fireworks, not parade.
Not a party. Just a finished goal.
There were times it seemed impossible.
If you knew of my spelling and grammar
you would have laughed had I told you
that I would publish a book.
Heck, I would have told you it was impossible.
Now that it is done it is on to the next task
of the day.
We make the task bigger than it is in our
own mind.
With a plan and a willingness to work,
no task is too big.
Have a great attitude today.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Take a moment

Have you ever passed a child
and they see you and smile.
Did you smile back.
I hope so.
Here is a post I read this week:
Always smile back at little children.
To ignore them is to destroy their belief
that the world is good.
So do yourself a favor
and take time to stop and smile
not just children, but strangers.
You could change someone elses day.
It could also change yours.
Have a great attitude today.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

You will find a way or

Ok, so lets say you have a new routine.
You get up at 5AM for a work out
and your eating right.
It is great until the end of the first week.
You are so worn out you cannot sleep
 and your are so hungry you could eat a bear.
You feel like quitting.
What should you do?
First, don't forget the progress you have made.
Next, adjustments.
Make some adjustments to your new routine.
Make it work.
Tiny Tweaks daily will blow your mind.
So stick with it,
just make adjustments
and keep moving forward.
A little progress each day is all you need.
Have a great day.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

If the law of attraction is correct

If the law of the universe is correct
it states that likes attract.
Should I not think positive things?
Humor me for just a few minutes.
So what if I did think positive
and I did not see any changes?
Now lets experiment,
think negative about your situation.
How is that going to work for you?
As for me today the sun will shire,
and I will enjoy the warmth.
And if by chance we get wet with rain,
I will enjoy the chance to play like a
child once again.
It is all just a state of mind.
Change your attitude and change your day.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Who are you becomming?

Do you have a plan?
Are you working your plan.
Sometimes our plans are
challenged by our past.
Maybe we allow our friends
to hold us back.
Maybe we make excuses and
that holds us back.
It could be anything that you allow.
Make a plan and keep in mind it
is not always easy to move forward.
It say in the Bible that you have
friends for a season of your life.
Sometimes the seasons change.
Don't let who you were talk you
out of who you are becoming.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Don't forget my walk

A quick reminder to take your loved pets
out before the hot weather hits.
Do you ever get that look?
Like this:
You know the look I am talking about. The big eyes following you around like your going to get away. Always remember you are their life. And their life is much shorter than ours. So enjoy your walks, if you love them you will know what I am talking about. Time for a little bark in the park with my Jake!
Have a great day.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

What are you doing for you today?

I work very hard to have a routine.
It is my belief that having routines will allow you to complete so much more and
be much more effective.
As I think about that state of mind
I must remind myself often that taking
a break is not a bad thing.
That taking a break may be
the best thing to help me
move forward.
Don't forget to enjoy the ride.
Have a great attitude today.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Friday is a great time to review

It is Friday and a great time to review the week. You can have a quick review of the week's videos by clicking the YouTube link below.
More importantly what did you complete this week. As you are reviewing your progress for the week look for consistent tiny movements forward. If you do that every week and remain persistent you will find great rewards down the road. So stay on the path. If you find yourself in a rut, go back to your basics.
Have a great weekend.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Thursdays are about thinking deeper-Winners and losers

When we look at some common statements that people make it does not take much time to realize if this person is positive or negative.
Winners say things like it may be difficult but it is possible, and the loser may say something like it may be possible but it is too difficult. What about this? 
A winner could see the gain, 
or the loser could feel the pain, 
possibilities versus problems, 
make it happen or let it happen.
I'll bet if we are friends 
you are going to find a 
way to make it happen.
Have a great attitude today.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

How do you get it all done?

Love that question as I sit at the airport blogging for the week. Mentally noting when I will record videos and looking forward to my books release in the next couple of weeks. Oh, just a reminder I have a class starting in just a couple of hours in a city 200 miles away. I am not anxious, excited or overwhelmed.
I am just ready.
Are you ready. I love the saying to get what you never had you must do what you have never done. What is it that you are willing to do to get the life you want? Don't cruise through the years wishing you had made a move. Make a plan an make it work. Tiny tweaks over a long period of time with make an unbelievable difference. Are you making progress?
Look in the mirror.
Have a great attitude today.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Laws of attraction

A high school friend sent me a reminder so I wanted to use today's blog to reinforce the thought. Thanks in advance Julie Whipple. It humbles me to know what my old class mates from years ago think of me.
The law of attraction is thought to be the strongest law in the universe. How can you argue with that, think about it. You buy a car because you never see that color, once your an owner you see them everywhere. That was an easy one, let's look at a different level. Everyone wants to be treated well. How can you impact that? I challenge you to pay it forward. Weekly I find a time to put this exchange into play. I have never payed it forward and not walked away feeling enthused, or excited. I have never walked away without at least two smiles. Mine and the stranger that happened to be right behind me in the breakfast line at the airport. So I challenge you to try it. If you give with an open heart, with out expectations you will be warmly rewarded. If I am wrong you never have to do it again.
So pay if forward and have a great day!

Monday, April 6, 2015

Is it another manic Monday?

Here we go again, it is the 14th Monday
 of the year. It is another chance to
start a new week, or chapter in your life.
Most of us look for opportunity to 
make things better in our life.
Oh, it could be your work life,
or a relationship. Many times we
say I'll start that next week. 
Well, it is net week. LOL.
If you have been waiting
for next week it is here, now.
So start your changes today.
Oh, and have a great week.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy Easter

Now how is he going to watch for the Easter Bunny all covered up under that blanket?
This is Jake, just napping.
Looks like he has the right idea.
But remember that it is Easter.
Treat the one's you love.
Remember what today is about.
Give thanks
Have and Attitude of  Graditude

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Rock on,

Rock on baby, it is the weekend!
Sometimes you need to just cut loose. Don't worry about anyone seeing you, who cares what they think. Heck, most people that see you in your car will never meet you. I would keep my windows up, lol. Just in case your musical voice does not match the musical tones coming from your speakers.
I hope you have an awesome weekend.
Who is your favorite band?

Friday, April 3, 2015

Friday is for fun!

Good time for a review.
I remember the first time I saw this just a few years ago. My brother sent it to me just before Easter. It reminds me of my 35th high school reunion. You know the story, you walk in the room and look around the room and feel like you are lost, who are these people, HaHa. Here's to looking at ya Pete!
Happy Easter
This is a great time for family

Thursday, April 2, 2015


It is funny, the basics never change.
I am sure if you follow me that you will see that there are certain things that seem to run true in all of our conversations. Not in any specific order believing in yourself, having integrity, be consistent, believe in success, be persistence, take action and a can do attitude. Forget the words I can't or I don't know. Remember I can, or we will find a way to make it happen.
I am not willing to just accept things. I am a passive individual with a plan, a goal and a will to win. I look in the mirror and am honest with myself everyday. I am accountable to myself and responsible to share encouragement daily. If you want to experience the energy and the gratitude then follow me.
I will lead the way!
Have a great attitude today. 

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

All Fool's Day

Who knew that the new year used to start on April 1st? Since I knew nothing about April Fool's Day I googled it!

Here is what it had to share:
Some historians believed it began in France, although it is not clear. It may stem from a calendar change in the 16th century-the moving of New Year's Day from April 1 to January 1 when the Gregorian calendar was adopted. There were people that continued to celebrate the new year on April 1 rather than January 1. These people were referred to as "April Fools", and tricks were played on them. In Scotland April Fools' lasts two days. Victims of pranks are called cuckoo birds where signs are placed on the backs such as "kick me".
Well to me it means summer is just around the corner. What an exciting time of year, and there is only 268 days till Christmas!
Have a great attitude today.