Saturday, August 31, 2013

It's time for College Football

I just love this time of each year.
I look forward to the start of the college football season with great hope.
You might say my attitude is right.
My team is undefeated until the kick off.
And then every Saturday you find the game,
and watch each play as if you're there.
If you're a real fan, you did not have to attend the school you cheer for, you just have to love the excitement, I'm there!
I have been a Notre Dame fan as long as
I can remember.
I was not even a teen when I started watching some of the all-time greats.
And going to the game in South Bend gives you chills when you enter the stadium.
Ahh, it is truly fall.
Have a great attitude, and cheer
for your favorite team.

Friday, August 30, 2013

They say actions speak louder than words...

It just seems to keep showing up...
Actions do speak louder than words.
Remember that communications is broken
down into three areas.
1. Words we speak represets 7%.
2. Our tone makes up 38%.
3. Body Language makes up 55%.
So if my math is correct 93% of communications is non-verbal.
Can you determine if someone has a good
attitude from these non-verbal actions?
I'll bet you can.
Most of us live in a fish bowl.
People are constantly making decisions
about us with out even talking to us.
Make sure they know you have a good attitude.
Wear a smile each day.
Be approachable.
And most importantly know that you
 deserve a good day!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Do Good

Do you believe in Karma?
Do you believe that
what you think about expands?
I believe the world is full of energy.
I believe you can tap into the positive
by being positive.
And yes, I believe
what you think about expands.
It still goes back to choices and decisions.
If you make positive choices
and your glass if half full
things will come your way.
If you believe you're going to have a bad day,
you are also right!
Have a positive attitude today,
and make some good choices!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Another milestone - 25,000 Page Views

For what started as an opportunity to learn,
has given me great pleasure to say we have
passed 25,000 page views.
What amazes me even more is how fast
this has happened and how it
reaches around the world.
I thank you for clicking and reading,
and for the emails
that are received on a regular basis.
Just a quick history, this blog started on
13 Feb 2012 with a goal to hit 10,000
page views in 12 months.
It focused on quick business tips.
January 2013 we changed the focus to Attitude.
And I began posting 7 days a week.
The goal was reached with a day to spare.
My next goal was to hit
20,000 by 31 Dec 2013.
Needless to say we have passed that and now have a new goal of 30,000 by 31 Dec 2013.
So now is the time to look and suggest when we could hit 50,000 and 100,000 page views.
So Thank you for taking the time,
and do me a big favor,
Pass It On!!!
50,000 Page View Goal 31 Dec 2014
Pass It On...

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Satisfaction Guranteed...

Let me get this right!
This statement sets the bar high.
Well, it is not as high as you think.
Really if you can give me an OK experience
then I will be happy...
Has the bar been lowered because of the
service we normally get?
Or should I say the suspect or
bad service we get.
In some cases we really don't want to deal with
the attitude of the guy that has the service
or product we intend on obtaining.
If they are the only one that has it, could they have a little apathy?
You know what I mean, the
"take it or not" attitude.
Someone else will take it at this price.
Have we forgotten how to sell the value?
In the auto industry what if I found
out what you wanted,
why you wanted it, and gave it to you?
Remember that value is only
value to the buyer..
Sometimes we forget and try to sell
 what we think they would buy.
It is an attitude that you can develop
if you will put in the effort.
You attitude should be "to serve"
if you would like to be a successful salesperson.
Have a great attitude today!

Monday, August 26, 2013

attitude and Customer Satisfaction

Surveys, when you think of surveys
what do you think?
Here are my thoughts;
I seem to get a lot of them.
They are kind of annoying.
Everyone sends surveys out.
I will send that out later.
Well, they did not meet my expectations,
so I'll send that out today!
I also think that you have to really do
something wrong for a customer to send one in (in most cases).
Here is the problem with that thinking!
The expectations.
Where do we get our expectations?
As a car dealer do we set the expectations?
Do we advertise 30 min oil change
and can't deliver?
Having viewed thousands of Automotive
Sales and Service Returned Surveys I can tell you what two things upsets customers.
Time or Money!
Why do we have a problem telling
a customer that it
will take 45 minutes to get their oil changed?
Why do we worry and not tell them the truth?
What about finishing the paperwork?
It never takes just a few minutes.
Set your expectations up correctly with
the right attitude.
Your attitude should be to satisfy your customers from
the meet and greet until they drive away!
Have a great day and a great attitude!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Happy Birthday Dad

Happy Birthday Dad!
Most of my adult life we have used my
Father's Birthday as the passing of summer.
Each year for the past 15-20 years my wife and I have traveled up to my hometown to share and celebrate my father's birthday.
He has slowed down, you would too
if you were in your late 80's. 
He still gets up and drives to work every day.
He has been a builder as many
years as I can remember.
And he is still building today!
He has seen more success than failure.
As he gets older I wish for more time.
There never seems to be enough.
My brothers and I were raised to work,
and we all have worked hard.
That is my father's way.
Dad, I love you.
I hope you have a wonderful Birthday Week!
See you soon,
Love your Son.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Get your get around to it.

Thanks Jack Reed.
We were talking
and he said he would
"get a round to it".
Then he began to describe
what it was he was talking
about. So next time your
talking to someone and they
claim that they are going to
Get around to it, make sure
they plan to accomplish
 their task...
Have a great attitude today!

Friday, August 23, 2013

The past..

I seem to spend a lot of time
writing about the past.
100% of your present behavior
is based on your past experience.
However in saying that,
don't let your past derail your future.
Accept the past and move on.
Use it as a tool for learning.
It will define you by the choices you make.
Choices and decisions eliminate options.
Every choice you make has an impact on your life, big or small.  Just keep in mind enough small bad decisions will still create a big problem in the future.
So start today to make better decisions.
Have a great attitude today!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

We all make mistakes...

All great inventions have been preceded
by much failure.
That makes me believe that most inventors have found a way to deal with their egos.
Think about it, what is the big deal if we try something and we fail?
At least we tried to step out of our comfort.
I believe that is how we set our self apart.
We must move through our fear in order to achieve the goals in our life.
That starts with the right attitude.
You get the right attitude and you begin to make wiser choices.
You make wiser choices and you begin
to affect your results.
Your results reflect the outcome.
So start today to step out of your comfort
and move closer to success.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Zig Zigular says...

Do you like a good enthusiastic post?
Zig Ziglar has many.
One of my favorites is the old "Water Pump".
He tells a story about how he and a few friends are out in the country is South Alabama.
It's summer time and the are thirsty.
They come across an old farm house and it has one of those old water pumps.  You know the kind, the one armed bandit type.
He talks about his friend that just starts pumping, then he talks about priming the pump.  Then he talks about giving up....
That is my point.  Looking at the picture above you can see how close we could be to success.
But if you give up, you just have to start over again.  He talks about the water at the bottom of a deep hole being colder, clearer, cleaner then the water at the top.
Just like our efforts.
Dig deep to get what you want!
Have a great attitude today!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

If you love someone..

 How many times would your life have changed
if you knew the thoughts of those around you?
Think of the encouragement
you would have gotten in those
awkward years in middle/high school.
What if you had that insight?
Would it have changed you?
Would you have had the courage
to try a little harder?
As the years have past I always find it funny
 to visit with people from my past.
Everyone has a perception that
belongs to them.
The story that you remember is much
different than their version.
Understand that is how they
pictured the event.
That is how it is stored in their mind.
You can try to convince them that it
happened a different way,
but that is your reality.
Enjoy their versions, they might end
better than yours.
Have a great attitude today.
Do not assume that they know you love them,
tell them.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Life is full of decisions

Let's think about people in bad situations.
How about bad credit?
Bad Credit is not something that happens from one bad decision.
Bad Credit takes time and many bad choices.
How about your job?
Generally you don't get fired over one bad decision.
Normally it takes several bad choices
before you get opportunity to seek other employment.
Do you see a trend?
We can all make a bad choice and survive.
It is when you continue to make those
questionable decisions that have a
long term affect.
Make good choices today!
Have a great Attitude this week!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Congratulations Jason and Heather 8-17-2013

Congratulations Jason and Heather Burger.
New Beginnings are always awesome.
I had the pleasure of attending
a wedding Tonight.
As you might see from the cake topper,
it was not a typical wedding.
But it was typical at the same time.
Some of the greatness was the music.
All hand picked to fit the Bride and Groom.
The ceremony had all the basics,
but was different.
I do not ever remember beer as part of the actual ceremony.
But it was.
What rang true to me is the commitment
that they shared.
It was fun and was filled with love.
My wish for them is that they never forget
their vows that they shared.
They were not the one's listed in the Bible.
They were from the heart.
From the "I Do's" the relationship
has changed.
Best of luck my friends.
Thank you for sharing such an intimate
part of your life with Roc and I.
Keep your loving attitude
in all the days to come.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

A negative mind

Hey, it is Saturday Morning!
It is a great day to turn over a positive leaf..
Start today with a positive thought.
What goes into your mind expands.
So tell yourself that you're going to have a great day!
Everything Starts With a Thought.
Have a great weekend
And a Positive Attitude!

Friday, August 16, 2013

TGIF get your grin on...

Just a friendly reminder
to get your grin on.
It is Friday!
Hope you had a good week.
Are you ready for the weekend.
Back to school, fairs, fall.
They are all coming!
Have a great Attitude and
Have a great weekend!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

It is a process...

This may be one of my favorite topics.
I believe every thing is a Process.
Ask my co-workers.
What if I could find you an extra hour a day?
That would be 365 hours in a year.
Or an extra 15.2 days to do
 what ever you want?
That is why Processes are important to me.
I only have 24 hours,
how much can I accomplish today?
There is never an off hour when I am working.
I will find something to fill that hour.
I am not saying that you
work 100% of the time.
What I am saying is that you invest your work time in work, and your rest time on rest.
You will be far more productive, and happy!
Have a great attitude today!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Do we over react?

Sometimes it is the picture in our mind that makes the point, not the words.
Have you ever panicked over something small.
Only to make it into something much bigger?
After all it was only a spider...
Have a great attitude today!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Take a step

As a trainer/consultant for the past 11 years
I am always amazed at how some people think.
People are not willing to move from the comfortable spot that they are in.
There are 2 percenters that will step out of their thinking to move forward.
But in general, people fight learning even
 when it is to better their situation.
History tells us that in order to move forward we have to make an effort.
Logic tells us the same.
What stops us is our ego.
Some people will continue to disagree.
Why fight it?
Because if I agree it is my ego,
then I am wrong.
I don't want to be wrong!
Take something small and give in,
allow yourself to be wrong.
It is not as easy as it sounds.
What if you got bad information
from the start?
What if your weatherman was wrong?
Only 20% of our information is based on fact.
80% we collect from what we hear from friends.  Where do you shop?
Have a great Attitude today!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Grab it!

What a picture!
What do you see?
A warm summer day, kids playing.
Makes a nice feeling inside.
I'm not sure how your week is starting out.
But I will tell  you that you control it.
I am not saying you control the people around you, you only control your thoughts.
Our thoughts can be overwhelming at times.
Previous decisions have put that burden on us.
Make some decisions today that will help you have a better day tomorrow.
Life is about all the decisions you make.
You don't get in debt overnight,
you don't get fired overnight,
and you don't get bad credit overnight.
All these bad things started with bad decisions.
In most cases it was the decisions you made.
So if you do find yourself in an uncomfortable position, then make better decisions.
Nobody said it would be easy!
How would you like to be as
carefree as the picture?
It starts with the right decisions,
and that starts with the right attitude.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Make it a great day, no worries...

Good morning,
It is Sunday and the summer is winding down.
Hard to believe isn't it?
We get so excited when spring breaks
and it turns to summer fun.
We vacation, make the most of the
sunshine every day.
We work all day and hurry to get home
to take advantage of the long days!
And it is about now we come to the
understanding that the days are getting
shorter.  The sun is not showing up at
5:30AM, and it is getting darker earlier.
You deserve a day free of worries.
Get recharged for tomorrow.
We all hit the week running.
So take time today to invest in
your attitude, make it an easy day!
Have a great attitude, and a great week.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Notice the little things

Everyday we pass by people
that are taking care of business!
They could be anyone you cross
paths with, a fast food worker, clerk
in the store, the operator at work.
Sure, sometimes we take for granted
what impact they have on our day.
I would challenge you to go a day,
week or a month without these
important people.
Ask anyone that was close to
New Orleans when Katrina
left town.  That hurricane took all
the entry level workers with it.
They all moved to safer ground
and did not come back!
It was a mess.
Use the 10 foot rule.
Acknowledge those around you.
I promise you would notice if they
vacated their position...
Have a great attitude today!

Friday, August 9, 2013

Everything starts with a thought

Everything starts with a thought!
Your mind will do some of the work,
you just have to set it in motion.
Here, let's have some fun.
I want you not to think of the color "Blue".
How are you doing?
Now if your not thinking of the color
Blue, what are you thinking of?
You must think of anything in order
to Act Upon It!
So what if you just planted a
positive thought in your mind
each morning?
They are called affirmations.
And they are very powerful.
If you are struggling with
something, try to set yourself
on the right track first thing in
morning read something positive,
and last thing at night.
Have a great attitude today!
Make the right choice.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Motivation will come

Ok, you have to take the first step!
There is an old saying that runners utter..
"The Hardest Part Is Lacing Up Your Shoes".
It is true even today, once your on the road
into your workout, what ever that might be.
You feel better!
That could be the same for a work project.
Have you ever put it off thinking there
would be a better time?
Only to find out that you were having
fun completing the task!
It is all about attitude!
Make the choice to move forward on
a project, a workout, or a task. 
Make it fun!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Don't do it

I have a rule when it comes to activities.
If I have to talk myself into doing something,
then I don't do it!
You know what I mean.
Should I have that last drink..
Should I have the 1/2 lb burger..
What ever your vice is, you know what I'm talking about.
When the question is, should I be doing this..
Just don't do it!
When you continue to do things that you know are not good for you we feel guilt inside.
Oh, you don't have to admit it to me.
You have to deal with that on your insides...
Make the right choice for yourself today.
Is it the partner you have, a beer or the cheese fries and coke that look so good!
Once you have made the right choice today, you have set your self on the right path for tomorrow.
Have a great attitude by knowing that you made the right decision today!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

A single word..

Most of us have played a game.
Maybe in school, or just on the weekend.
I remember failing, on my birthday..
I ran the mile run at Rice Field May 21, 1996.
I was a freshman in High School.
It was my 16th birthday
and I wanted to go to sectionals.
But I had to run the race of my life to get there.
I believe we had to run under 4:50 for a mile.
I can remember being close to tears
when I crossed the finish line.
There would be no Sectional Meet for me... I had missed the time by 2 seconds.
I remember thinking, "but, it's my birthday"!
They should just let me in...
It didn't happen..
At that moment I had a choice-
I could fight for what I enjoyed-running.
Or I could leave the sport that I loved.
When I say fight, I mean put the miles in so the next time I could be ready....
This is where great coaches come in.
Coach Noffsinger once pulled me to the side when I was frustrated and wanted to quit.
He just looked me in the eyes and said
 "I never picked you as a quitter".
I ran for years after that competing in Marathons, Ultra-Marathons and Triathlons.
Those few words when I was struggling made the difference for me.
Encourage someone today!
It could change their life!
Give them a "never quit attitude".
Have a great day!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Can do attitude

Motivation, what is it about someone telling you that you can't do something?
It motivates us to move forward, accomplish, complete, or demolish a task.
Or ego is strong, and to fail means we were wrong, your mind does not want to be wrong.
I believe you can motivate yourself?
Can you will yourself to win?
The first step is believe you can,
but if you believe you can't,
your right either way!
Approach your task with the right attitude!
Be a winner today!
Have a great attitude, and a great week!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Make someone laugh today

When was the last time you laughed until you cried or at least until your side hurt?
Sadly, I can't remember.
Does our ego keep us from just cutting free?
When you think of your friends, the closest ones are the ones that made you laugh.
It comes to be expected from some people.
It becomes the attitude!
So now I must let go of my ego,
do something silly,
and make someone laugh today!
Have a great weekend,
and a great attitude today!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Blink of an eye

Things change fast!
Think of a dog's life.
For every one people year,
it equals 7 dog years.
I love my puppy's, one is almost
18 people years old.
18 times 7 equals 126 dog years.
How quickly those years have gone.
You are going to blink and it will be the end of the summer, and blink again and we will be putting the Christmas Tree away for another year.  I look in the mirror so happy for all the wisdom I have been blessed with,
and for the life that I have lived. 
But I miss things that are not even gone yet.
Make sure you have no regrets.
Have a great attitude today!
Love like there is no tomorrow.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Inspire me today!

What can you do to inspire someone today?
It could be just a smile,
a nod, or a passing glance.
Some times we walk with confidence and it rubs off onto someone that is struggling.
In the car business we talk about the 10' rule.
We acknowledge anyone that gets within 10 feet of us.  So why is that so important?
Just being acknowledged could change someones day.
My goal today is to inspire someone maybe not to greatness, but to a good day!
Inspire me with your attitude!