Monday, January 14, 2013

Empathy-Servants Heart

We discussed empathy a few weeks ago-it's giving. 
Simply giving, giving and more giving.

What I am going to do next is answer the question,
how do you give, give and give.

You do it with a Servants Heart.

It is a state of mind.

If you take things personally, it may be difficult.
But think about it this way, if your not wired like that, and you think that everyone is just a taker, you have just increased the resistance substantially.
What does giving look like, no it is not give up the house, or all your profit. Giving looks like empathy. Understanding the customer, and giving at the right time.

When you go shop in a store, or a dealership we are all conditioned to say "hey, I'm just looking".
Here is where the giving begins.
Hey, I understand, let me help get you the information your looking for (and as a matter of a fact I'll give you so much that you won't have to shop any more).  Kill em with kindness.  If you give them everything they were shopping for, then they could become buyers,  not shoppers.

If you think just because you give them a price or too much information you have lost a deal, tell me about the 70-80% of the customers that don't get a chance to buy because we never ask.

It cost me nothing to do the right thing, give the customer what they are looking for and they may surprise you and become your buyer.

Do it with a servants heart, and a smile on your face.  It will be hard to not have a good attitude when you work like that.

1 comment:

  1. Another great post! Thanks for sharing - keeps me in check.
