Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Just Do It

Sometimes in life we face tasks that we just don't like, and we spend a lot of time trying to work around it.  Think about some of the tasks that you have at work.  Let's take filing, what a painfull task.  When we do file it seems endless.  However let's just think about it for a minute.
Most people don't file daily weather your talking about paper filing or electronic filing.  We let it build until we have a stack (this could take days, weeks or more).  We procrastinate because we really don't want to do it.  Then we look at the stack and think "WOW" this is going to take me an hour or more to file, err.

How different would it look if we took a few minutes each day and just did it!  It's a novel idea, and it would keep you from having to make that hour later on when you may not have the time.

OK, we all don't file but we all get phone calls.  How many people this day and age let our messages go to voice mail.  Personally I hate speaking to a recorder, but it is reality.  Sounds like not such a big deal, I'll just listen to the voice mail, and call that person back..  Here is the deal, you just multiplied the time it takes to handle that call, and if your like me, I love to save time.  Just a reminder how this happens more times than not.

I get an incoming call and let it go to voice mail.  So I hear the "ding" I have a voice mail. So from here on out it is wasted time.  So first I have to dial and retrieve the call, listen to the "ramblings and details", or "just call me when you get a minute".  Next I hit redial and the phone rings once, twice and on the third ring it goes to voice mail...  So we are still not done.  Do  your self a favor and Just do it, answer the phone.

Guess what, with the extra time you get each day you can continue to read my blog!

Have a great day!

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