Monday, January 7, 2013

Friends you chose and PMA

How do you keep a Positive Mental Attitude with all the stuff that we take in daily?
If your in Sales it may be harder than turning off the television.
Who do you spend your time with?  What is their attitudes like?  Do they grumble about how bad the weather is, the economy, or the politics of the day?
But you tell your self that "I can hang out with these guys and I will not let their attitude change mime"!  Boy, that is a large task...  Your asking a lot of your self....
You can filter a great deal of information out of the conversation, but it is sneaky.  So you hang with a couple of these guys that are selling below their potential.  And they tell you that customers just are not buying today (junk in), so you catch your next opportunity and they tell you they are just looking.  You take one swing at moving forward, and they shut you down again and you tell yourself (my buddy is right, they just are not buying today (junk out).
Hey, I have worked with a bunch of great guys over the years, had a drink or two, and shared a laugh and a ball game.  But I would kick them out of my office the very next day if they came in telling me any negative junk.
Tip of the day: Choose your friends wisley.  I want to hang out with the guy that is selling more than me!  Not two car Sam that can not get out of his way.
Remember that what goes in your ears comes out of your mouth.

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