Friday, January 4, 2013

How do I Keep Positive Daily

Yesterday we talked about the first thing you hear in the morning, and the last thing you see at night.
We talked about staying away from the news each night. And how negitive thoughts turn into negative attitude. That may mean keeping away from ESPN with all the troubles our role model atheletes seem to find.
I travel weekly around the country, so I watch the Weather Channel.  That's it for news for me. What this also does is set up my week.  Remember that "you can only be let down by your own expectations".  If I know there is a big storm out East or West Coast, then I expect delays and plan my travels to accept that, make a few calls to make sure the right people know.  But since I know it is going to be bad why would it affect my attitude? 
Any Dave Ramsey fans out there? He is a great motivator for weath building.  He says "the holidays" are not an emergency.  We know it's coming, so why do we not allow for the extra spending?  It is the same with weather.  It's winter, it's going to snow somehwere, and flights are going to be delayed, deal with it with a positive attitude.
"So my tip for today is to deal with the cards that are delt you".  Understand a positive attitude will not change the weather, or the day of the month.  But how you approach it determines if it will be a good day or bad.  "Your attitude-Your choice"!
Have a great day!

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