Thursday, January 10, 2013

Attitude-Its the little things

On a typical morning, you get up shower, grab a bite to eat and head out the door. 
But what happens to you when you wake up 15 minutes late.
What is your first thought, "oh, it's going to be a DAY like that".  So you jump out of bed, take a quick shower, stubb your toe, missed a spot when you were shaving, and nicked your self with the safety razor.  You grab your jacket and head to the car only to find out you have no gas.  So you stop for gas, and seem to hit every red light!  Dude, I'm worn out just thinking about it.  So you were late to your first appointment, your supervisor mentions you were late and you just feel so behind.

Sometimes you just need to stop for 2 minutes and reset your mind.  Take a deep breath and understand that everyone is late once in a while (this is not for the person that is late every day).
Truth is you make a quick call to your supervisor and let them know, and just reset your mind.  Don't panic that your a few minutes behind.

Your already late, acting out of control will not get you back on track, as a matter of fact what your mind should be saying to you is "relax" it is going to be a good day".

"You control your attitude".

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