Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Just Looking

The greatest conditioned response that we all hear and use.
How many times a day to you hear this? This is by far the most common response we hear when we first approach and greet  customers. These two words frustrate, annoy, and aggravate us. We feel even worse when we actually greet them and they still breeze past us with "Just Looking". They take a few steps and pause as they glance around the store. Do you have ...? We shake our heads and imagine responding, "if you want ... Why did you say "just looking"?
Let's understand what is happening.
Just looking is a conditioned response that we all learned from the first time we went into a store with our parents. Every one say it, and we thought it was helpful to keep all those Salespeople away.
The other thing is the customer is "just looking" until they decide to buy. The customer must make a buying decision, then he will be doing more then looking, he will be buying.
Treat every customer like a buyer, because they are all buyers, they may just not buy from you.

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