Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Children and Animals

Why is it that you feel so good when you
help a child or and animal?
It could be random, or a defining event.
It could be a donation, or time spent.
There is so much need today as much
 I can ever remember.
Think about it over the past few years the tornadoes that have eaten up peoples lives.
The number of displaced families,
and animals in these regions.
Not to mention the wild fires that
swallow up homes in the night.
When I think of giving I think
first hand of Joplin.
I think of a family that is the image of giving.
Think about this, they lived through the Tornado 2 years ago.
One member lost their home, there have been lost family members
This family has volunteered thousands of hours leading with a purpose.
They have manned goods distribution stations, designed churches, been deacons, lead small groups, lead various mission trips in Joplin and Texas, and on and on.
They get joy from helping others yet they have never ask for anything for their service.
God plays a strong role in their lives, they are grounded and loving.
So when I think of all the tragedies
that seem to happen,
I have to also think of all the people like the family in Joplin that lead the way.
Thank you Hal, Rick, Jeff, Randy, and Dustin for leading like real men.
You have taught me many great lessons
from our friendship.
Who is your mentor?

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