Tuesday, May 14, 2013

"Act As If"

Boy, would you look at that face.  It tells a story right!  Not much of a morning pup now are you?
I would say that there are a lot of pups out there that feel the same way in the morning until they get their coffee...  I mean it is hard to function at times without a little caffeine to get you going.
Understanding this time honored event, how do you operate in the mornings when you cannot get to the coffee pot?  You know what I mean, your heading to the Dealership and just don't have time to stop at Starbucks and you really need that java.  You pull up to the dealership or office and you have a client waiting on you.
My friend, it is time to "Act as if".  You get to act as if you have already had that cup of coffee..
I tell that to new salespeople every week.  Act as if you just sold a car because your attitude is right.  Your mentally ready for work.  I did not say it was easy.  Sometimes you just have to do the Nike thing, and just do it!
Act as if your attitude is right and have a great day!

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