For most of us we have just completed our "busy season", our "summer selling months". We get extremely busy and we cut corners so that we have time to get everything done.
Turn the page, it is time to slow down our process.
What have you short cut that will now cost you money?
Let's just look at a couple departments for areas where our processes may have evaporated:
The following is a checklist of processes that you may or may not have in your operation. The purpose of this exercise is to review your operation to see what processes you have implemented in your operation that are no longer being utilized or has been modified from your original process.
New Vehicle Department:
1. 100% T.O. to Management
2. Listing of 90+ day old units
3. Aged vehicles on the front line
4. All customers logged and follow up
5. Managers have desk log up on computer
6. Daily one-on-ones with all sales staff
7. No short cuts in sales process
8. Referral program is being utilized
9. GM/Dealer approves all units ordered
10. Sources of customers are accurate
11. Damages to new vehicles disclosed
12. Introduction to new customers to service
13. RDR and rebates confirmed at delivery
14. Ongoing scheduled training session’s
15. Lease renewal process
16. Lease returns process
17. Accessory sales process
18. Damaged properly disclosed
19. Delivery Process
Used Vehicle Department:
1. CarFax run on every unit in inventory
2. Two managers appraising trades
3. Used vehicles ranked A, B, C, & D
4. Used Units front line ready in 3 days
5. Daily walk around trades by variable managers
6. Re pricing units at 30 and 45 days
7. Recon and appraisal dollars per unit are close
8. All vehicles to auction or sold seal bid process
9. Inventory rotated weekly
10. Hoods and trunks up every 15 days
Internet department:
1. All leads are responded to within 4 hours
2. All leads called within 24 hours
3. Sources of leads are analyzed monthly
4. Website has current programs, specials, etc
5. Used vehicles identified as certified
F&I Department
1. Managers doing interview with customer’s
2. Managers presenting menu 100% of time
3. Missing menu log maintained
4. Finance revenue less than 50% of F&I income
5. Deals out of F&I within 24 hours
6. Deals funded within 4 days
7. Titles and Power of attorney signed
8. Managers at desk when not with customer’s
9. Arbitration agreement signed in F&I
10. Deals completed outside of dealership-notarized
Service Department
1. Service walk around every customer
2. Previous history/preprinted on appointments
3. Menu presentation every customer
4. Inspect all vehicles with multi-point inspection
5. Active delivery to customer
6. Labor grid pricing
7. Loaner vehicles being tracked
8. No loaner out more then 3 days
9. No repair orders more than 5 days old
10. Work in process checked weekly
11. OSHA records, training, and documentation
12. Shuttle and rental reimbursement from factory
13. Service advisors selling extended contracts on drive