Friday, May 3, 2013

Charlie Towe


Charlie Towe
I hope that everyone has the pleasure of knowing a "Charlie" in their life.  He was someone that made a difference. 
Here is what I can tell you.
He was a giver.  He was not driven by money.  He was a people person.  I am sorry for any one's inability to see something special.  For me, in my 30's there were not a lot of guys that I reached out to (you just didn't do that as a guy).  Charlie made it easy, he made it OK to tell him things that bothered you.  He would offer insight only if you ask for it, and never stepped out of line.  He really cared about people.  If he thought you needed $100 you might find it on your desk, I witnessed it several times.  No note, and he wanted no thanks.  I never heard him say he needed anything, help, money, time.
At Christmas he was his own  Secret Santa.
 The girls in the back would find surprise cash in their desk, no note, no attention.
This is to say he made a difference and I will not forget Charlie and his giving heart. 
 He has given me a model that
I try to mirror in my life. 
So, thank you Charlie Towe. 
All this to say you made a difference
and are not forgotten. 
 I am a better man for having known you.

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