Wednesday, February 6, 2013

LEAR-Listen Explore Acknowledge Respond

One tool that I have found useful in communicating with customers for the past 30 years is LEAR.
In order to communicate you must have a  sender and a reciever, but that in itself does not equal successful communications. So here is what Communications should look like:
Listen-what the customer/speaker/boss/spouse is saying.
Explore-simple, when you say.... what do you mean?  You want a clear picture of what they are saying.
Acknowledge-so when you said..., I understand it to mean..... or what I heard was........
Respond-Ok, so here is what I will do....
There are times when you will have to explore more deeply until you really understand.  If you walk away and have not confirmed the outcome of the conversation how can you take care of the issue?
It may sound like this example using Leasing as the topic:
Salesperson: Have you ever leased before? (listen).
Customer: No, never.
Salesperson: Why not? (Explore).
Customer: My uncle told me how bad it was!
Salesperson: what do you mean when you say it was bad? (Explore).
Customer: He had to spend a lot of money at the end.
Salesperson: Help me understand, When you say he spent a lot of money, what was it for? (Explore).
Customer: Well they said he drove too many miles, and there was some damage
Salesperson: So he drove more miles than was set up in the lease.  I understand, if I could show you the benefits to leasing would you consider it? (Respond).

Better communications helps you with a better attitude!

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