Friday, March 30, 2012

Law #4-The Law of Navigation

Anyone can steer a ship,
But it takes a leader to Chart the Course.

You've got to have faith that you can take your people all the way.
You also have to be able to see the facts realistically. If you don't go in with your eyes wide open, you're going to get blindsided.

John Maxwell's-The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership

Law #4-The Law of Navigation

Anyone can steer a ship,
But it takes a leader to Chart the Course.

You've got to have faith that you can take your people all the way.
You also have to be able to see the facts realistically. If you don't go in with your eyes wide open, you're going to get blindsided.

John Maxwell's-The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Law #3-The Law of Process

Leadership Delevops Daily, Not in a Day

Becoming a leader is a lot like investing successfully in the stock market.
If your hope is to make a fortune in a day, you're not going to be successful.

John Maxwell's- The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership

Law #3-The Law of Process

Leadership Delevops Daily, Not in a Day

Becoming a leader is a lot like investing successfully in the stock market.
If your hope is to make a fortune in a day, you're not going to be successful.

John Maxwell's- The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Law #2-The Law of Influence

The Measure of Leadership Is Influence-Nothing More, Nothing Less

The very essence of all power to influence lies in getting the other person to participate.

John Maxwell-The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership

Law #2-The Law of Influence

The Measure of Leadership Is Influence-Nothing More, Nothing Less

The very essence of all power to influence lies in getting the other person to participate.

John Maxwell-The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Law #1-The Law of the Lid

Leadership Ability Determines a Person's Level of Effectiveness.

John Maxwell-The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership

Law #1-The Law of the lid

Leadership Ability Determines a Person's Level of Effectiveness.

John Maxwell-The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership

Monday, March 26, 2012

Help me review Leadership as a topic

In the coming weeks we will review the Laws of Leadership according to John Maxwell.

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Success and Sacrafice

How much are you willing to Sacrafice in order to get to your goals.
It could be time with your family, it could be money, or ego.
What will you Sacrifice to get to where you want to be?

Success and Sacrafice

How much are you willing to Sacrafice in order to get to your goals.
It could be time with your family, it could be money, or ego.
What will you Sacrifice to get to where you want to be?

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Success and Sacrifice

In order to be successful we sacrifice to move closer to our over all goal. Just like the runner,he runs daily to prepare for the Marathon. He sacrifices with his time and body.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Success and Sacrifice

Every success comes with sacrifice. Like the Marathon runner that runs daily he sacrifices his time and body with no guarantee of success.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Make it count

"Do What You Always Do"
"You'll Get What You Always Get"
Make your day count.

Make some positive changes starting today!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Challenge yourself to read

Challenge yourself - this week I have been reviewing John Maxwell's "The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership". This is my third time to review this book and I am still finding great tid-bits to use daily.

You must have a vision

If you don't have a vision how do you know which direction to go?
We all need a road map so set some goals Business and Personal, short and long term. Write them down on paper and map out your expectations.  If its to be its up to me!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


When ever I am struggling through the day I remind myself of one of my passions. It could be music, a goal, an upcoming vacation or just getting home.
Try it next time your struggling through the day, what gets you excited and ready to roll?

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Who's in charge?

Do you have an Internet Department? Do you have the right person running it? Check out this article by Sean Bradley that covers that...

Friday, March 16, 2012

March Madness-what causes so many people to call in sick?

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Success (2)

Our success comes down to three things (this is two)-
A willingness to think outside the box to come up with the best possible solution.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Great Movies

Watching the 2005 Movie Coach Carter. Great movies teach us great things. Hoosiers, Remember the Titans, growing men is the theme. Its hard work and takes great leaders to make men want to be better men. Everytime I watch these movies I get excited to try and help anyone reach thier goals.

Success (3 of 3)

Our success comes down to three things (this is three)-
You must have an urge to improve everything you do. That means paying attention to the little things, every last detail.

Success (1)

Our success comes down to three things (this is one)-
A strong desire to change how we do things when ever we see something we think we can do better.

Are you Customer Tone Deaf?

Do you have employees that are Customer Tone Deaf? Do customers ask for reasonable investment from our employees and are told that "our policy", or "we don't do that here"? How do you feel if your employees make an exception to the rule to make a customer happy?

*Do your employees have the authority to take care of a customer, such as give them an extra Bottle of Water? Just how far would that little extra attention go to changing the perception from your customers?

How would your employees feel if they were more empowered to help your customers?

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Great Ideas

Businesses are built on thousands of great ideas. Where do they come from? Who is best to offer those ideas? How do you stay ahead of your customers knowing what their wants and needs are?

*To get the best ideas ask your employees. They are on the front line and talk to the cusotmers every day. Listen to your employees.

When is the last time you offered a reward for the best idea(s) from your staff. Make it a contest. One good idea could make or save you hundreds, a great idea may make or save you Thousands!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Basic Needs

Most companies in America are better at delivering "excitement", the "sizzle", than they are providing customers' "basic" needs.

*Always keep in mind it is great that your company offers great amenities such as a free car wash, or donuts and upscale coffee. But if you are a service center and still don't fix their car they won't come back. You must meet their basic needs.

You can get me in the door, what do you do after that?

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Listen to Your Customers

If we listen to our cusotmers as well as we should they will guide us on how to meet their changing needs. Remember it is their agenda that is most important, not yours.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Listen to what your
customers want.
Instead of giving them
what you think they want.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Important Meeting

Have you ever woke up energized, excited that you have an important meeting today. You start getting ready early. You find a crisp white shirt, a new tie and wear your nicest suit. You feel really good today, you know the feeling, we have all been there. You want a reaction when you walk into the meeting room. You want to impress!

*Every day we are on stage. We should always want our "to impress". Your customers deserve that crisp white shirt, and the new tie look. They are the ones that pay for the lifestyle that we enjoy. Ask your self why don't I get excited? What Do I need to change? It may be easier than you think!

Is it time for an attitude shift? Those are free,

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Do you ever get frustrated because you can't seem to get where you want to be? You have goals, but some one, or some thing gets in the way. You treat the customers well and still can't seem to get the performance scores where you want them? Your gross stinks and you can't seem to get out of the basement.

*Have you set the expectations with your entire staff? Do they know what you expect, or why you have those expectations? Do you just spiff them to get higher scores? Or do they understand Customer Retention is what will make you successful? Do they understand the long term opportunities from doing the right thing? Make sure they know what you want, otherwise how can you hold them accountable?

Do you have a business Plan for 2012? Need direction contact me, free advice.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Arrival

Have you or your employees arrived? You know what I mean, have you climbed to the top and are now just coasting? Last year was a really good year. Have your processes changed since you improved to be #1 in your market. How is the mindset this year? We can all take a deep breath, and relax. Every day is casual Friday, wear jeans! Let them chase you for a change, right.

*Sounds a little scary to me. Here is what I see "complacency". In car lingo its called a "Country Club". Over time nothing good can come of this attitude. Your solid processes have allowed you to improve. Your relaxed processes will allow you to fail. Your tenured staff begins to run your managers. You know the old "tail wagging the dog" routine.

Over the year our focus shifts. Peak season we tend to allow our processes to evaporate. We cut corners so that we can take care of all the customers. We speed up our process that has helped us during the off peak seasons. We make less money, have lower Customer Satisfaction Scores and get frustrated with our staff.

**Asses your processes several times a year. It could be just a passing observation, or documented for future training.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Equal Treatment

The better you treat your employees, the better they treat your customers.

*Of course you must hire the right people up front. Then there must be Training,  guidelines, and consistency on your part. Give them respect, responsibility, and guideance and you will find the customers are better served.

This is the foundation for quality, and quality is everything!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Every Job is a Necessity

So you want to motivate your staff, how do you do that? It starts at the top with acknowledging that their role is important to the team. As the leader let them know that every position is important at every level. The Janitor, Lot Porter, Cashier, Adviser they all have a key role in our success. If they fail at their role it affects everyone and we all fail in the customer's eyes.

*Help them understand that they are a necessity. The bottom line is that if they were not needed we would not employ them. The position would not be available. Remember to have quality we must first meet the customer's basic needs. We need each employee to do that.

Ask them how our business would run if they were not there. Could we give level of quality treatment to each customer that we desire? They need to know just how important their role is to the customer.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

How Do You Define Quality

Define quality in your work place, then ask 5 additional people to define quality. How many different answers will you have? Ask 5 of your customers to define quaility. Again how many differnt anwers will you now have now?

*Truth is quality is defined by your customers. Have you ever tried to fix something by spending money on what you believe will take care of your customers concerns. Then later you reolize that you just threw your money out the window. It did not fix your problem. Make it easy on yourself "just ask your customer what they want"!

Always take care of the Basics first. We may have the cleanest, most friendly repair facility in town with great amenities, but if we don't fix the car the customer is not going to return!