What is it that makes the best the best? My guess is that many Managers and trainers have that same question. Could it come back to how we deliver information to our staff? The more training classes that I conduct the more my belief is that we give way too much information and expect our people to absorb and master those points. Let's consider just a Meet and Greet in any industry. How many pieces are there to a Quality Meet and Greet? What if we mastered them? So let's think out loud, what is it that goes into a great Meet and Greet? Words, tone, body language, smile, handshake, mirror, eye contact, hygiene, engaging, professional, excited, enthusiastiac and on and on. We just listed 13 things, could we go on? There is more, then you think did we ask the right questions, did we set the stage? Now the next challenge is when we did train the last time what did we do? Ok folks, lets pair up and role play the meet and greet. We talk through it a few times and say "check" training is done. Could we have just wasted an opportunity? We are going to play like we practice. Did they do a good job or mutter through the words? Did we really look at the Meet and Greet or is it like many tests, they just told you what you wanted to hear. What if we mastered one of the essentials each week and then put the Meet and Greet together? We know the "Best of the Best" know how to do many of the things we just discussed. Our average consultant does not do a good job with a meet and greet. You don't believe me, just ask them. If they stutter, and struggle then you will know. Does their meet and greet give the right first impression or are they like the guys up the street?
Have a great attitude today!
Win the day.
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